Saturday, 4 November 2017


Corrie D Marketing Celebrate Another Recent Award Win 2017 & Launch A NEW WordPress cms Website! 

Team CDM (Corrie D Marketing) are extremely pleased to announce the launch of their stunning new WordPress CMS (Content Management System) website.

The CDM team have been so busy since launching the business 6 years ago that their own website required attention, but they were so busy servicing their ever growing list of clients their own website was the very last website to receive the CDM website transformation.

If you’ve arrived here Team CDM would like to thank you for reading their blog and thank all of their regular clients with a VERY SPECIAL OFFER as a special thank you to each of those businesses, as without them they simply wouldn’t exist or still be in business today.

They hope to keep this as informative as possible, we’d love to hear your feedback? So please feel free to comment below.

Forver grateful to the CDM Team, who have been working tirelessly since launch, being kept busy with their ever-expanding list of clients. Also  on-going training to ensure we stay ahead of the game with the new GDPR EU Rules and Regulations to ensure compliance. They have been working tirelessly on new products, and on-going training to ensure we remain 7 steps ahead.

But the icing on the cake is the fact we now have our NEW WordPress CMS site and more importantly our NEW WordPress blog!

We love blogging for our clients and cannot wait to keep you up to date with our company news. PLUS we have some AMAZING SPECIAL OFFERS TO ANNOUNCE – TO LAUNCH OUR NEW & EXCITING WEBSITE we’ll be running some amazing special offers on some NEW products we’re about to launch.

Corrie D Marketing is celebrating having WON another award in 2017!

They recently won BEST Online Digital Marketing Agency and Award for Excellence in Social Media Marketing at the Scottish Enterprise Awards.

And want you to join our celebrations. They’ve been winning awards consecutively for three years in a row, which even by our high standards is no mean feat. These award wins include International and European business awards, they think this is due to their continual investments in pioneering digital marketing services.

They invest heavily in new tech that has been tried and tested abroad in other countries (so we know it works and we know which sectors these services work best in), but these investments help our discerning clientele reach their EXACT target audience wherever they may be.

Recently we added a few new advertising products to our portfolio of products ie

Mobile Geo-Location Based RTB (Real Time Bidding) Advertising

Mobile Geo-Location Ad Campaigns can target your customers ANYWHERE they work, play or rest. We can even target your competitor’s customers. These are ideal if you are eg a home improvement company with a showroom, people visiting your competitors’ locations these are a red-hot lead! They aren’t visiting showrooms on family for a day out.

CDM Unique Two-Step Lead Generation System

Our unique two step lead generation funnel is aimed at website owners who are aggressively driving traffic to their website with online ad campaigns –  As any website owners knows, especially one driving traffic to your website, that people visit your website because you can solve an issue or a problem. However people nowadays can get easily distracted the phone rings, they get an email, their Facebook pings, someone appears at the door etc. Hopefully you get the picture being painted here?

So unless they actually fill in a contact form? Website owners have NO IDEA who visited their site. Google analytics will give you some demographic information but these web visitors are anonymous.

Our unique two-step lead generation funnel generates YOU leads from these website visitors. By now you may be asking yourself one question..

How do you convert your website visitors into leads ie Names, mobile numbers and email addresses?


Lead Generation

How does the CDM Lead Generation System Work?

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock lately? You should be well aware of the power of video marketing!

By using video to engage your website visitors, we know they visited your site for a reason, that you can solve a problem by utilising the services of a live web chat assistant to interact with your web visitors using our unique AI system this saves YOU BOTH TIME & MONEY.

As you probably already know having a customer service representative or a salesperson manning your chat box on your website can cost quite a bit of money.  Your website is open 24/7 so this would normally require quite an investment to have someone manning your website 24/7 but we have THE IDEAL SOLUTION with the CDM Lead Generation System you can avoid the expense of having someone manage the CHAT.

100% RISK-FREE OFFER AVAILABLE NOW to test this and see if it’s a good fit for your business!


The latest addition to their ever-growing portfolio of digital marketing services – This is an EXCLUSIVE and PREMIUM SERVICE which is ONLY available to business owners who are PREMIUM CDM VIP members.

Being fortunate enough to offer amazing unique services that work seamlessly in direct correlation with one another this PREMIUM service is only available to a select few CDM VIP clients.

Clients who were hand-picked and have already tested this service, have been left GOBSMACKED AT THE OUTSTANDING RESULTS THIS SERVICE GENERATES!

To find out if you qualify for this exciting and amazing new service? Please contact Corrie-Dee Whaite on Tel 01294 559480 or Mob 07411 170758. T&C’s apply. Subject to availability. ONLY available to regular clients who purchase online digital marketing products on an annual contract agreement, to BE ELIGIBLE TO receive this VERY SPECIAL CDM VIP PREMIUM TREATMENT.  Full case studies, testimonials, stats and results are available on request ONLY to our VIP members.


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